Friday, April 17, 2015

Welcome To Sweet Things Diary!

Welcome to Sweet Things Diary!!! I am so excited to start posting everything and anything that I love! You will find a little bit of everything in this blog as you would in a diary. In this diary there will be a little bit of fashion, DIY's, baking/cooking, family and so much more of everything and anything I love! 
I have been holding off on blogging for a long time now cause to be honest I have been a little -o.k. actually a lot, intimidated by the whole process. I am not much of a tech kind of gal. Don't get me wrong, I love all the new gadgets that keep coming out and I want them all.:) However, I am not very good at learning how to use them-it is overwhelming! Please bare with me as this will be a learning process for me on how to blog and all the other things that come along with blogging lol. I hope ya'll enjoy my blog!!! BTW yes I'm from the south:)


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