Thursday, April 23, 2015

Agra Hadig (Armenian First Tooth)...

“AGRA”  ակրա   – tooth
“HADIG” հատիկ grain dish, traditionally cooked wheat dish eaten on this occasion.

Armenian First Tooth”

The centuries-old Armenian tradition agra hadig, celebrates the appearance of the baby’s first tooth. It is celebrated worldwide by Armenians, no matter where they live -- Armenia, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran, or the U.S. as well as other parts of the world”

In Armenia, the Agra Hadig is celebrated to predict which profession the child will go into – and to grant them luck and good fortune.

What Signifies Agra Hadig:

The baby is sat on the floor with a veil over her head and surrounding her are little trinkets.  These include a small ARMENIAN BIBLE (to symbolize scholarly or religious pursuits), a KNIFE (to symbolize a doctor or surgeon), a MUSICAL INSTRAMENT (symbolizing an affinity for music), SCISSORS (a tailor or a seamstress), a PAINTBRUSH (artistic), a PENCIL (writer or teacher), MONEY (banker, financier or wealthy person).  The first object the baby picks will be indicative of their future occupation.  Before the child makes the selection, her head is covered using a veil and the mixture of the hadig- the cooked lentils, bulgur, and candies, is sprinkled over the baby’s head, to signify a wish for fruitfulness.  Then everyone eats a little of the wheat mixture and good fortune is granted!

*Information about Agra Hadig taken from 

When my niece cut through her first tooth, I couldn't wait to give her her Agra Hadig party. Usually Agra Hadig is a women's event only like a baby shower; however, we decided to invite males too, since my brother wanted to be present at his daughters Agra Hadig. You don't naturally find Agra Hadig invitations at the stores so, I decided I wanted to make invitations that would be cute and unique. I wanted to use pinks and gold for the party colors. I made pretty much all the decorations: Lilit gold letters for the cake table backdrop, tassle garland for the food table, Agra Hadig sign, cupcake display, and the photo booth backdrop and sign, as well as other little things here and there.

 I also made all the desserts from scratch except for the cake (picture I gave to the cake lady-she did an amazing job!) and the baklava was store bought. O how I wanted to attempt making the cake but I knew I wouldn't have time to make it. As it is I was up all night making the other desserts! My mom made the food and ordered some as well. Some of the things she made where the baby back ribs, crawfish pasta, and tabbouleh.  Her baby back ribs where a hit! People were asking where she had ordered them from and when she told them she had mad them they where brother even thought she had ordered them!!!

Dessert Table


Photo Booth and Props

 I added some other trinkets in addition to, the traditional ones mentioned above, just to make it a little more interesting:) Some things I added were a cell phone (we all thought she would pick this-she loves to play with everyone's cell phone), jewelery, watch, calculator, etc. Also for money I put a $10 bill and a $100 bill just to see which amount she would be drawn too. She ended up picking the $10 first! Well the significance of money is that she will be wealthy!:) Above all what matters is that she lives a healthy life and prospers in whatever she dreams to be in the future. I wish my niece nothing but the best for her and that she may always be happy and healthy!! Hokour (Armenian for aunt) Loves You Lilit!!!

My ADORABLE Niece!!!

She even knows how to use the props!!! and that's my goofy sister-in-law:)
Family Pic-minus my brother (he was taking the picture:( )


  1. Parev Natalie
    I searched on google for agra hadig ideas and your blog came up. I got a 9 month old boy that got his first tooth last week so im trying to plan the hadig party. I would love some of the dessert recipes if u dont mind?
    Xoxo chake

    1. Parev Chake:) Congrats to your boy on his first tooth! O how fun it is/was to plan the agra hadig! I absolutely would not mind sharing the dessert recipes! Is there any specific ones you would like? Email me at I can email you back the recipes as everything was made from scratch. I also purchased the tooth and toothbrush cookie cutters (for the sugar cookies and rice crispy treats) from etsy.

  2. Hi Natalie! I'm doing my sons Agra hadig and I'm in LOVE with the banner you made. Can you please tell me how you made it?
    Thanks Ani
